

Washington State
Tax Considerations while Divorcing in Washington State
Before making the decision to divorce, it is wise to consider how divorce will affect your taxes.
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Child Support is a state-determined monetary amount paid to the custodial parent by the non-custodial parent. Is it assumed that the parent with primary custody contributes their share of parental financial responsibility directly to the other parent in the form of food, shelter, and clothing.
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Joint Decision-Making in Shared Custody | Divorce Strategies NW
One of the hardest things about co-parenting is having to work as a team with someone who is no longer your life partner. No matter your co-parenting situation, making joint decisions is usually a factor and often creates friction.
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Divorce For Business Owners | Divorce Strategies NW
Facing a divorce is always a challenge, but facing a divorce when you own a business can be even more difficult. If you are divorcing, you probably have concerns and questions about how to best deal with the separation of marriage and business.
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There is an option for couples experiencing marital problems that doesn’t involve divorce. This process is known as legal separation. Many couples opt to legally separate in lieu of divorce, so that they will have time to see if they can reconcile or because a divorce goes against their religious beliefs. If you are considering separating from your...
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Following are some reasons why you might consider changing your name after a divorce, and how to get started with the legal process of changing your name in Washington.
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Following are some reasons why you might consider changing your name after a divorce, and how to get started with the legal process of changing your name in Washington.
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Community Property in Washington State | Divorce Strategies NW
Following Washington State law, mediation divides community property is divided as equally and equitably as possible. What can be confusing is whether certain property is considered community or separate property.
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Child Support in Washington State | Divorce Strategies NW
Parents who separate are financially responsible for the basic daily needs of children (food, shelter, clothing) regardless of which parent has custody of the children.
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Open Enrollment in Divorce Legal Separation in Washington State | Divorce Strategies Northwest
Open Enrollment is upon us! The 2022 Open Enrollment Period for Health Insurance in Washington State is November 1, 2021 to December 15, 2021. More than ever before, it’s important to thoroughly evaluate your options.
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