
Divorce Strategies Northwest has amazing news to share with our clients, family, friends and partners…

On November 16, 2020, Divorce Strategies Northwest learned that we received the 2020 BBB Torch Award for Ethics, from the Better Business Bureau® serving Western Washington.

The award recognizes our team for its strong commitment to integrity, customer service and community involvement. We are truly honored for being selected and extend our heartfelt thank you to the BBB.

“We are honored to be a Torch Award recipient, and are grateful that our employees and our mission are being recognized by the Better Business Bureau.”

Leah Hill | Founder and CEO

A Torch Award is the most prestigious BBB award presented to exceptional organizations for their dedication to integrity and ethical business practices.

The Torch Awards embodies the Better Business Bureau mission of advancing trust in the marketplace.

ABOUT BBB Torch Awards For Ethics

For the past 20+ years, the Better Business Bureau has hosted the Torch Awards for Ethics to promote not only the importance of ethical business practices but the willingness and efforts of outstanding businesses to ensure that our marketplace remains fair and honorable. The Torch Awards program is open to all businesses and organizations that serve Western Washington markets. Companies must be in good standing with BBB; however, BBB Accreditation is not a requirement for entry or consideration. Each year, one winner and up to two finalists in each category, varying by the size of the company, and one non-profit category, are presented with their own Torch Award.

To learn more please visit: www.Trust-BBB.org/Torch-Awards

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